
Lucid Dream.-

Well, I was walking, with my brother beside me, through a kind of garden, or was it a church?
Anyway, we were walking until we met a group of...people, staring at the ocean.
There was a cliff, and at the top of it...a moon...yeah, a full moon...
It was shining, even though it was day time, was it? And what was up with the church?
Strange birds and insects, all around the cliff, and the waves kept crashing into it,
but the moon...it standed still...
Blurry, gigant garden, infront of the church, know I remember.
Me and my brother were about to burn it up, but the moon was there.
I mean, you can't burn something when the moon is watching you, can you?

Oh, and by the way, I couldn't find the freaking rose.
I've just taken a photo of it.

Then it came the part when I fell off, from the cliff.

Then I woke up.
Did I?

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